White liquor filter to China
Origin: Finland
Destination: China
Time of shipment: November 2022
Volume: 1 pc / 1065x565x528 cm / 55800 kg
Our long-term valued customer has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of pulp process technology. Hacklin Logistics focuses on bringing our customer’s performance forward by providing customized logistics solutions to ensure timely delivery of project cargo. Each project shipment is unique and success of every project delivery is based on excellent co-operation with our clients.
Hacklin Logistics organized delivery of white liquor filter with dimensions LxWxH 1065x656x528cm and weight 55800kg. This export cargo was loaded on a board of a vessel in Finland heading Eastbound. Further transshipment was arranged at the port of Hamburg. Final destination point of this transportation was China. Transshipment took place in mid-end of November 2022.